How to be Lucky on
By: Ryan Stefan
Pre Draft
Table of Contents
- Goals to become something you do
- Mindsets to become someone new
- Habits and consistency
- The subconscious resists change
- Reprogramming theory
- Knowledge isn’t power
- Tips and advice don’t help
- Mental emotional and physical
- What’s right for me?
- Balanced state
- Intuition decision
- Visualization theory
- Visualization technique
- Passion vs. obsession
Goals to become something you do
Most of the advice people give and a lot of books pertaining
to changing certain patterns in people’s lives are designed assuming that once
you know something it becomes a part of who you are. It assumes that with
knowledge comes decision. I also used to give myself and others the same type
of advice. The problem is it never worked, all it did was build a larger list
of things I did that I knew where bad habits. So the more I read, the more I
started to dislike myself. The fact is knowledge alone does not influence your
decisions, you need consistency. When you do something consistently it becomes
something your subconscious identifies as habit or something that you do and
therefore does not resist doing that thing. It becomes a part of who you are
and only through consistency. And how you identify yourself is the same way.
People think of themselves habitually the same way. So in order to be more
confident you need consistency not knowledge or experience. So whether its
something you want to do or some way you want to think you must take action and
keep it consistent until its habit to make any lasting change in your life.
Mindsets to become someone new
A lot of people say seeing is believing, but I can see that
the opposite is actually true. Believing is seeing. Especially considering
people who believe they can’t do something either doesn’t try at all or
severally inhibit their effort. So if you wanted to be a Hollywood actor you
would be more likely to try out if you believed it was possible. So just
believing its possible will super accelerate the process. Assuming something
negative about yourself in any aspect of your life is like an unnecessary
anchor. A negative habitual mind frame can consume all of your energy and
happiness. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between negative
and positive. It doesn’t know whether what you’re thinking about or what habits
you have are what you want or don’t want. So if you have a habit of lowering your
own confidence your subconscious will continue retaining the status quo whether
you like it or not.
Habits and consistency
On a day to day basis I’m usually about evenly productive
each day on average. Sometimes I try something new in my routine and most of
the time it feigns quickly and I’m back to normal. Sometimes however I enjoy
the new routine and continue doing it and before I know it it’s just as routine
as everything else. If I do anything routine everyday then whatever it is that I’m
doing will be one of the most significant factors in my future the habits I
pick up define me as a person. So this
book is to teach you how to control all your habits effortlessly.
The subconscious resists change
Your subconscious mind processes roughly 40 billion bits of
information per second, but you only consciously aware of about 20 thousand
bits of that information. Your conscious mind is only a small part of a much
larger system. Your subconscious controls all the decisions you make and puts
them into a database of what defines you. Your conscious mind gives you the
ability to change what you do, but you subconscious automatically resist any
change. This prevents you from making potentially harmful habits. It also
however makes it extremely hard to form new habits. You must get the
subconscious to identify the change as a part of you. The best way to do this
is to consciously do it no matter what everyday no matter how much your
subconscious resists it. Your subconscious doesn’t know good from bad, negative
from positive all it knows is status quo, regular from irregular. So you must
convince your subconscious that what you’re doing or how your thinking is now a
normal part of you.
The reprogramming system
Most people know that it takes roughly a month to form a
habit, but going 30 days straight doing the same task seems a little impossible
especially considering after doing something new for only a few days is
extremely hard. Well I used to think that on day 30 a habit would form poof
just like magic, although I never made it that far. Then I stumbled upon a
system that compartmentalized the 30 days. Basically the first 10 days of
trying to form a new habit is like defying gravity. I’ve found that it doesn’t
usually last the whole 10 days. Then after the 10 day mark till the day 20 mark
it’s no longer so hard, but your subconscious is still resisting it. This point
however is much easier then the first 10 days. Then after 20 days of repetition
you enter the acclimation stage. This stage is where it inverts; you
subconscious now will suggest it. Then after 30 days it’s completely a habit
and you don’t even have to think about it.
Knowledge isn’t power
Sometimes when I learned something powerful enough it would
change a habit or create one. This lead me to believe that in order to change I
simply needed to know more information. What I didn’t realize is that when I
had changed from learning something my subconscious mind still resisted it, but
because what I learned was so powerful I consciously did it consistently
despite my subconscious minds resistance. This type of progress is rare, it
isn’t always a good thing, and it progresses very slow. So needless to say
having the ability to control what your subconscious considers your identity
would super accelerate your progression through life. Nothing becomes a part of
who you are whether an experience or a epiphany until it is habit. “If it’s not
habit you don’t have it”.
Tips and advice don’t help
Great advice rarely helps people because it’s used
incorrectly. Knowing something just simply isn’t good enough. The best advice
is very simple to understand and can be done consistently to form a habit. Also
if I told someone over weight for example not to eat and he told his
subconscious everyday not to eat it wouldn’t do anything because your
subconscious can’t identify you with “not to eat” so it knows that you don’t
want to eat so you must still be identifying yourself as overweight and
therefore retains that belief by making you hungry. Telling your subconscious
your skinny or that you have a small appetite however will cause your
subconscious to identify with being skinny and as a result makes you not
hungry. You don’t have to force yourself to not eat because you simply won’t
have an appetite because that’s who you are now and the external events will
fall into place.
Mental, Emotional, and Physical
Taking your goals one step at a time gives you more leverage
and a higher probability of reaching your goals. I like to prioritize goals in
3 simple categories are mental, physical, and emotional. Finding the next step
in each category should be fairly easy. Your mental goal could be to take more
classes at school or read more. Your emotional goal might be to get closer to
your loved ones. And your physical might be t exercise everyday. Those goals
keep me balanced so I can achieve career, spiritual, or self image goals more
What’s right for me?
One of the biggest questions out there in today’s society is
what you should do for a career. I think that the career that’s right for
anyone is what plugs into how you already identify yourself and the habits you
already have. And I think to have a perfect job you have to perfectly identify
yourself with the job. This can be done intentionally. If you wanted to be a
real estate agent because you’re maybe a social person or maybe you like
looking at houses then make looking at house and talking to people about them a
habit. You will notice that being a real estate agent went from being the ideal
job to the perfect job just by changing a few habits. So its much easier to
shape yourself into a career then trying to find one that fits your current
habits. Then all you have to do it make sure you like identifying yourself to
the career and habits you will form with that career. Although with work even
your preferences can be changed just by identifying yourself as the type of
person who likes doing anything. And its not a matter of how motivated you are
to do something the only thing that matters is that you consistently make an
effort to reprogram how you identify yourself until doing things you wouldn’t
normally do become effortless. So instead of what career you should pick, think
what kind of person I want to become.
Balanced State
Once I started creating my own identity and reality on
purpose through repetition and meditation I realized different emotional states
change how I react. So you might be in one emotional state one day and do one
set of habits then be in a different state the next day and do a completely
different set of habits. This emotional inconsistency is a huge contribution to
making lasting change seem very difficult. I also found that when doing
something I enjoyed as a hobby for example playing pool. My emotional state
would cause me to lean different. So if I’m sad when I play pool I will get
good at pool in a sad state, but when I play pool happy it changes how I lean
and shoot and I miss every shot. So being able to step back and balance
yourself will allow you to make consistent habits and also allow you to perform
much more consistently. A balanced calm state can be achieved by simply taking
deep breaths and detaching yourself or letting go of everything. With practice
this becomes second nature.
Intuition decision
Once I realized that I can choose to do anything I want and
make it a part of me. I can even choose to want something that I currently
don’t want by purposely incorporating it into my subconscious. I started to
think about things completely different. Instead of thinking what I needed to
do to become confident I simply made a mental note that I want to become the
type of person that is confident and program it later. The only use for my
conscious mind was a relay point to filter what I want and it would become true
automatically. Knowing my subconscious is so much more powerful it seems silly
to deny my intuition. Now that I know how to use my brain to create my own
reality instead of falling victim to it I no longer fill my conscious mind with
worries or needs. I just simply become what I need to become to get what I need.
Once you program yourself into someone who manifests whatever you want or
whoever you want to become life begins to be radiant with beauty and abundance
with nothing to distract you from the wonders in life.
Visualization theory
Reprogramming your identity only takes a few minutes a day
with this powerful technique. Giving someone advice doesn’t usually change
them, but getting them into habit will change the course of their lives
indefinitely. So I’m going to urge you to do this simple technique for 10 days,
then I want you to do it for another 10 days. Then the 10 days after that you
will do it without even reminding yourself and by then your life will have
changed completely. The way you think will change and everything else just
falls into place in order to make your new identity completely congruent. First
you need to know what it is you want to change. And remember your changing into
someone not wishing upon a star. You can’t quit smoking you must become someone
with clean lungs. Or become someone who owns a really nice car. Or become
someone who does well in school. And you’ll find yourself doing homework as if
you always had with this simple technique as a habit.
Visualization technique
So this technique essentially changes how you identify
yourself on a subconscious level changing your conscious mind as a result and
how you identify yourself. You will think differently and things around you
will fit into your new reality like destiny. Ok so here are the steps. First
figure out what it is you want to change or become. Take that new identity and
figure out what emotion you would feel if you had it now. Find a past memory where you had a similar
emotion, but with a lot of power. Now find somewhere quiet where you can relax
distraction free. Close your eyes and tilt them upward slightly. Now take 5-10
deep breaths focusing on your breathing and on every exhale let you shoulders
relax deeper and deeper causing your whole body to loosen. This will get your
mind in an alpha state. In this state your subconscious is influenced more
directly. Now that you’re in this state bring up the past memory and run
through the experience as vividly as possible for a minute or two. Once you
feel the emotion welling up inside you use it to fuel your visualization or whatever
it is that you want. Try to get as much detail as possible and make sure you imagine
already having it or effortlessly acquiring it. See details, hear the sound,
elaborate words of commandment or appreciation, and smell of the room. Feel the
leather of the steering wheel or the wad f cash brushing in your fingers. And
when you have finished say to yourself out loud. “I now allow myself to
have______” filling in the blank with whatever you imagined having. Then take a
deep relaxing breath and say to yourself “so be it, it is done”. Then don’t
think about it, let go. You don’t have to worry about doing it perfect because
you know your going to do it the next day until your subconscious completely
accept it and your life starts to transform automatically as your conscious
mind sits back and watches in amazement.
Passion vs. obsession
One more thing I need to clarify. Don’t confuse passion with
a burst of willpower. Passion is more like a progressive habit that you enjoy
doing and is what you should shoot for in your visualizations. However being
super motivated to get something over with can be counterproductive. Coming
from a place of negativity is always counterproductive. So make sure you
imagine enjoying what you want to do otherwise you might create some very
stressful habits.
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